Children obesity still need fat for growth

Many peoples have a phobia of the word fat, to the point that her son had to undergo fat diet. But fat is still useful for children, especially essential fatty, because it is very important for their growth and brain development, not least for obese children. One of the responsibilities and the greatest satisfaction a mother is to make sure their children grow and develop optimally by providing a balanced nutrient intake with food.Children need a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to grow and develop optimally. Reserves of calories is 15 percent protein, 30 percent fat and the remaining carbohydrates.

"Parents who are fat phobic, sometimes even taught his son had to undergo fat diet," Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono MS, SpGK said, clinical nutrition specialist, in the event workshop titled 'The Importance of Role of Fats Essential For Growth' in Menteng, Jakarta.

Yet according to Dr. Fiastuti, it is important to understand about the type of fat needed for growing children. From 30 percent of the total fat consumed, preferably not more than 7 percent saturated fat is fat (Safa) and 25 percent is polyunsaturated fat. And 25 percent from saturated fat was not, 60-10 percent is a double bond in unsaturated fat (PUFA) and 15 percent are single bond unsaturated fat (MUFA). PUFA and MUFA important for growing.

Well, this PUFA called essential fats. Essential fats are needed for growth is the omega 3 and omega 6.

"Children who remain overweight even need essential fats, because the essential fats is one component in the formation of cells. So if insufficient essential fats, the body's cells more easily damaged and can cause various health problems," said a doctor who also practiced at Clinic Semanggi Specialist.

dr Fiastuti explains, a balanced intake of essential fats are essential for optimal growth and development of children, because it can help to shape and integrate the cell membrane, so that the cell membranes more flexible and better able to absorb nutrients and makes the rest of removal out of the cell.

Essential fats also have a role in the formation of the nervous system and hormones. Equally important, essential fats have a positive impact on cardiovascular health.

This statement really should get special attention, considering the causes of cardiovascular disease increased in this modern era, and prevention efforts must begin at an early age.

Maintain adequate intake of essential fats to children is not easy, because the essential fats can not be produced by the body, so it must be through the food consumed.

Foods that contain high levels of essential fats, among others:

1. Deep-sea fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and snapper
2. Vegetable oil is not heated too high. When heated so high as when fried, there are essential fats in vegetable oils turn into trans fats are bad.
3. Nuts
4. Soybeans in tempeh and tofu
5. Bean sprouts
6. Eggs and dairy products
7. Coconut oil
8. Chicken
9. Saltine crackers
10. Avocado

According to dr Fiastuti, the child must be provided with essential fatty since he started regardless of mother milk, around age 1 or 2 years.

When a child is an essential fat deficiency, may result as follows:

1. Cell membranes that protect the organ is weak, so the sick bastard
2. System of the heart becomes stronger
3. Disrupted brain growth and development
4. Immunity or a low immune system



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