Affiliate Internet Marketing Tip- Create A Free Marketing E-Course

Affiliate internet marketing tip - free internet marketing e-courses. This is a win-win situation for both you and your visitors. The affiliate internet marketing e-course is a great way to capture your visitors' email address and provide them your affiliate products

An internet marketing e-course is generally a series of 5 to 7 related articles on a particular topic that you load into your autoresponder. You will be able to incorporate one or more affiliate products in each lesson of the e-course, while providing your reader with great information.

Use an e-course to promote one particular affiliate product throughout the entire e-course. These are usually products that pay me a decent commission per sale. They also tend to be pricier items that the customer may not want to buy on a whim from a stranger. The e-course allows me to show my readers that I know what I am talking about and gives me a chance to gain their trust by establishing myself as an expert in the field that the e-course covers.

Of course you can also promote several related affiliate products, in your e-course. Each of them could provide a solution for a problem that you are addressing in your e-course.

Determine what topic or related topics you want to cover in your e-course. Start by writing an introduction article that gives your subscriber an idea of the overall topic and what you will be covering over the next few days. Next you launch into your actual lessons, or articles and finish your e-course with a quick recap and some information on where they go from here. This could involve recommending additional resource books, products or sites (which will of course pay you a commission if they buy) or offering them more great information on your own website.

Once you have your content ready, load the individual lessons in your favourite autoresponder and add a signup box to your site. Or to be even more effective, create a separate landing page for the e-course that highlights the benefits of the course and what the reader will learn. You can get subscribers by linking from your main page to the landing page, writing articles that use the link to the e-course sign-up page in your byline, or by purchasing ppc or other advertisements.

Affiliate internet marketing tip - free internet marketing e-courses. The beauty of creating e-courses is that you do the work once, and your e-course will continue promoting your affiliate products for as long as you allow people to sign up.



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