Tips that can save you from credit card fraud

by shravan mishra

With the increased use of credit card these days there have been an increase in the no of frauds related to credit cards too. One never comes to know that directly or indirectly we leave a trail wherever we go or whatever we do these days and all this credit goes to the credit card. Whenever you swipe your credit card whether it is on the gas station or wall mart you unintentionally leave a record which makes you recordable, leading to the leak of your personal information too. With this increased use of plastic money there has been increase in the breach of personal security too. People have now become the glass consumers.

You can easily be tracked down because of your credit card because of which not much consumer privacy is left these days. A mentally disturbed hacker can breach into these files and can easily misuse your records or bank accounts. This is the real reason of the increased credit card fraud these days. People and there personal belongings have become so transparent these days that it has become very easy for the master minds to play with other people assets. But one should not panic as credit card information always remains at risk.

For fraud there have been few steps a person can always take in order to be assured against such threats. Therefore following are few tips for people who are a regular credit card users in order to protect there personal information against such tricksters.

1. Keep your credit cards under your safe protection – Always keep your credit safe, don't let them loose. If you are somewhere in crowded place then make sure you handle them with care and do not let it into some unknown hands.
2. Keep your credit card number safe – Don't let anyone see your credit card number. People these days are very smart they take pictures of your credit cards and then use the number for there benefits so always keep it away from strange eyes.
3. Don't leave any printed records – Always destroy the receipts with your credit card numbers on them as if gone in wrong hands can lead to a lot of misuse.
4. Always check the documents before signing – Whenever you go for acknowledging any credit card document weather it's a receipt or a notice always check it thoroughly before signing. Check the total amount and also for any unknown purchase.
5. Avoiding leaking out your credit card details – Avoid giving out the credit card number to people on phone or those who you don't trust.
6. Be cautious with your card and its information online – Always keep a check on the payments you make online. Never go for signing in on sites which are not trust worthy as they can use your credit card without your consent, so check before going in for any payments through your credit card on websites.
7. Be alert – Always report the lost or stolen credit cards immediately. Never wait for recoveries just block the credit card As Soon As Possible it is went missing.
8. Keep a check on your Billing Statements – Always check your billing statements any unauthorized charge indicates of a credit card fraud so always check before paying.

Credit card is a very convenient commodity but as it's always said everything has its pro's and con's therefore by keeping these basic tips and precautionary measures in mind you can very safely avoid the credit card frauds.



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